The Addigy user-manager is a Go binary installed during the Addigy Agent install process. It is utilized for managing macOS Users via the Addigy web app. The user-manager binary will leverage the native dscl command-line utility and other built-in macOS tools.

  1. user-manager Example Commands
  2. TempAdmin Commands

user-manager Example Commands

Starts the Addigy user-manager: /Library/Addigy/user-manager

Revoke admin credentials: user-manager -update-group -username=johndoe -admin=false

Create User: /Library/Addigy/user-manager -create -username="${user}" -full-name="${name}" -password="${password}" -admin=${admin}

TempAdmin Commands

Start or schedule a TempAdmin session

/Library/Addigy/user-manager -temp-admin -schedule-promotion -username="username" -start-time="UTC start time" -end-time="UTC end time" -reason="reason for promotion" -local-time

Notes on TempAdmin session scheduling:

  • If start-time is in the past, the TempAdmin session will start immediately.
  • The start-time and end-time must be in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ as per UTC time.
  • The reason is a string that will be displayed in the Addigy web app as part of the TempAdmin session event.
  • The local-time flag is optional and will cause the start-time and end-time to be interpreted as local time. Example: 2021-12-31T23:59:59Z would be interpreted as 11:59:59 PM on December 31st, 2021 in the local time zone.

List TempAdmin sessions

/Library/Addigy/user-manager -temp-admin -list -json

Notes on TempAdmin session listing:

  • The -json flag is optional and will cause the output to be in JSON format.

End a TempAdmin session early

/Library/Addigy/user-manager -temp-admin -demote -username="username" -force

TempAdmin session logs are stored in the Addigy logs directory: /private/var/log/temp-admin

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