The Catalog page provides access to several important functions to help you manage your Addigy instance.
- Custom Monitoring
- Public Monitoring
- Watchman Monitoring
- Public Watchman Monitoring
- Custom Software
- Public Software
- Maintenance
- Public Maintenance
- System Updates
- MS Office Updates
- Profiles
- Custom Profiles
- Self Service
- MDM Configurations
- Custom Facts
Custom Monitoring
Create custom monitoring alerts based on any Device Fact available in Addigy.
Custom Monitoring Alert Fields:
- Name: Display Name for the alert (non-empty string)
- Email: Desired Email(s) that will receive the alert
- Alert Fact: Device Fact or Custom Fact for alert
- Selector: Used for triggering an alert
- Value: Threshold specified to trigger an alert
- Alert Level: Warning or Critical levels are available for an alert
- Send ticket on alert: Monitoring Alerts will generate Email Alerts to the defined email addresses, unless a Ticketing Integration is enabled and
Send Ticket on Alert
is enabled. - Estimated Savings: Used for calculation on Dashboards
- Remediation: Run a script to execute when an alert is triggered, an existing Device Script can be used or a Custom Command can be written directly in the remediation field.
Public Monitoring
Pre-defined Public Monitoring alerts are based on default Device Facts available in Addigy built by Addigy Engineers. These alert templates can only be copied to your Custom Montioring section for modification.
Watchman Monitoring
Designed for building Watchman Monitoring Alerts and Watchman Configurations
Public Watchman Monitoring
Pre-defined Watchman Monitoring alerts based on default Device Facts available in Addigy built by Addigy Engineers. These alert templates can only be copied to your Watchman Montioring section for modification.
Custom Software
Lists all available Custom Software Items available in the Addigy Catalog to manage on macOS Devices using Policies.
Public Software
Lists all available Public Software Items available in the Addigy Catalog to manage on macOS Devices using Policies. These items can be created by Addigy and other Public Community Contributors.
Maintenance items within the Addigy platform are scheduled tasks to run on a regular basis for your devices.
Maintenance Fields:
- Job Name (non-empty string)
- Instructions: Select existing Device Script(s) or enter Custom Command(s)
- Frequence:
- Days before forcing:
- Job time in muntes:
- Prompt User:
- Schedule Job: Saves the Maintenance Item
Public Maintenance
Pre-defined maintenance tasks based on frequently requested maintenance actions for macOS devices built by Addigy Engineers. These maintenance tasks can only be copied to your Custom Maintenance section for modification.
System Updates
Lists all available System Updates in the Addigy Catalog to manage on macOS Devices using Policies. Alerts can be configured when New Updates are in the catalog in Account > Settings.
MS Office Updates
Lists all available MS Office Updates in the Addigy Catalog to manage on macOS Devices using Policies.
Profiles leverages the Addigy Agent to provide functionality using several command-line utilities to enforce settings and configurations. Profiles Fields:
- Condition:
- Energy Saving:
- Firewall:
- Login:
- Printing:
- Security & Privacy:
- Time Machine:
- Users:
- Wallpaper:
- Website Blocking:
- Wi-Fi Networks:
Custom Profiles
Custom Profiles allow uploading of a custom .mobileconfig
file which can be deployed using the Addigy Agent. This mechanism uses the profiles
command to install the .mobileconfig
file as an unsigned MDM Profile visible in System Preferences > Profiles.
Note: With the release of Catalina (10.15) Apple has announced that they will be deprecating “Non-UI profile installations”.
Self Service
Self Service is an application which runs on your devices and provides an essential link between you and your end-users. With the correct settings, a Self Service item can add immense value to your Policies in Addigy. Self Service allows your end-users to install their own applications, request support, and get notifications for maintenance.
MDM Configurations
Addigy’s MDM Configurations requires Addigy MDM. These MDM Configurations are deployed using Apple’s MDM Protocol and will require MDM Device Enrollment to leverage. Any MDM Configuration can be deployed using the MDM Configuration option.
MDM Configuration Options:
- macOS MDM Configuration
- iOS MDM Configuration
- tvOS MDM Configuration
- Combined MDM Configuration
Custom Facts
The Addigy Agent software installed on your Mac devices collects loads of meaningful data about the Mac and uploads that data to the Addigy platform in the form of facts. Facts are great for reporting on your machines and receiving alerts when a machine needs maintenance or leaves compliance. With Custom Facts, you can extend the power of the Addigy agent beyond the default set of facts by building your own fact based on a script of your choice. Just like the default facts, Custom Facts can be listed on the Devices page and can be used to trigger Alerts and Remediation.
Scripting Language Selection The dropdown menu allows you to select the scripting language you will be using. Currently, only Bash and Python are supported, but other languages may be available in the future.
Shebang, Outputs, Errors, and Return Type Details
The hashbang textbox contains a path to the binary that will run your fact. By default, it will be the macOS default locations for both languages: #!/bin/bash for Bash scripts or #!/usr/bin/python for Python scripts. You can use this textbox to call a different interpreter for your script (a Python3 binary, for example). We recommend that you stick to the default hashbangs unless you understand how to call other interpreters or shells and know that the path will be available on your machines.
Finally, the scripting window provides a place for you to enter the script that will be run to collect your fact. All standard output and standard error from the script will be collected and parsed by the Addigy agent auditor for the specified return type.
For each return type, a specific type of output will be looked for:
- A string can be any set of Unicode characters
- A number should be a single integer
- A boolean should be one of the following: “true”, “false”, “True”, “False”, “TRUE”, or “FALSE”
- A list can be any number of strings delimited by newline characters
Custom Fact Fields:
- ID
- Name (non-empty string)
- Policies (array of policy IDs)
- createdDate
- lastUpdatedDate
- script (non-empty text, size limit)
- scriptType (enum: bash, python, osquery, other)
- returnType (enum: boolean, string, number, array, date (format TBD) )
- osType
- Keywords/Categories/Tags (array of strings)
- Description (text, size limit)
- Owner (user_id)
Response Errors:
- ResponseType defined doesn’t match response payload
- Response nil
Facts Technical Details: Facts Location: /Library/Addigy/auditor-facts/facts/